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Holistic Massages

Work, study, office, school, home, family, children, friends… Do you live under pressure? Do you feel your balance affected by the daily hustle? Are physical or mental disorders such as stress already part of your routine? There are tensions in the body and mind that you will only be able to release with holistic massages. Understand how and why!

From time to time, your energy balance can be shaken, ceasing to function as a whole and leading to situations of stress and states of anxiety and depression.

Don't let yourself get there! Look for a holistic massage able to relate matter and energy and identify diseases and other problems that are manifesting in your body, yes, but that were already manifested in the spiritual sphere before that...


What are holistic massages?

Holistic massages are a set of techniques of western and eastern origin with therapeutic effects aimed at physical and mental relaxation.

Exercised through gentle or deep touches on the patient's body, holistic massages act on the nervous, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, blood and lymphatic, local and systemic systems.

Roughly speaking, a holistic massage takes advantage of the main benefit of traditional massage – the ability to release the tension accumulated in a certain physical area of ​​the human body – to go further, doing a physical treatment, but also a therapy for emotional well-being, that is, acting on the patient in a complete way and not in a specific area.

The very Greek word “holos”, which gives the name to this therapy, means “whole” and reflects the attention directed to the mind, spirit and body of the patient as a whole, on the path to a state of total development, in which the Tensions caused by stress or any personal situation can be harmoniously relieved with the natural balance of strategic points where tension is concentrated: neck, back, head and arms, among other areas of the body.


What are the techniques of holistic massage?

Holistic massage makes a combined use of different relaxation techniques, such as music, lighting, colors, crystals, aromatherapy and reiki, among other methods that aim to provide a more complete solution in the treatment of physical and psychological problems than massage traditional ones that focus on relieving muscle pain without taking into account that tension and stress start in the mind.

Furthermore, the various holistic massage techniques are adapted to the particular characteristics of each person, whether to calm moods, relax muscles, improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system or revitalize energy.

What is important in holistic therapies is really to balance the whole organism, helping the patient to silence the mind to reach a meditative state of relaxation and to let energies flow that reduce physical pain, but also release emotional "pain".


Types of Holistic Massages

There are several types of holistic massages, for different needs ranging from relaxation to solving or preventing health problems.

Although they can be performed through various methods, all holistic therapies draw on the teachings of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and some of the most applied holistic massages are:



Aromatherapy uses the aromatic and healing properties present in essential oils from flowers and plants, to relieve various types of symptoms: anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, muscle pain, respiratory problems, etc.



Acupuncture uses very fine needles at specific points on the human body, to improve immunity and help treat emotional and physical problems: stress, anxiety, insomnia, but also menstrual pain, muscle pain, back pain, headaches and asthma, among others.



Reiki uses the hands to pass universal vital energy and rebalance body and mind, decreasing symptoms of depression and panic, stress and sadness and providing a feeling of relief, relaxation and inner peace.


Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage uses alternating pressures and vegetable oils to promote physical and energy balance, nourish the skin, fight toxins accumulated in the body, improve blood circulation, clear stagnant energy and benefit the patient's overall health.


Hot Stone Massage

The hot stone massage, also known as geothermal massage, uses volcanic basalt stones to massage the muscles and provide a feeling of deep relaxation and well-being, increasing the body's vital energy and providing harmony between body and mind.


4-Hand Massage

The 4-hand massage uses, as the name implies, different types of synchronized movements of two masseurs, on the right and left sides of the patient's body, for a total balance: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


Tantric Massage

Tantric massage uses subtle finger maneuvers that stimulate the patient's sensory channels, awaken the senses and redistribute sexual energies, expanding sensitivity and providing intense experiences.

Tantric massage, in addition to relaxing, helps the patient to know himself, free himself from repressed emotions and open doors to new and better sexual experiences.

If you need to wake up dormant erogenous zones, increase libido or overcome sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation, schedule your first tantric massage at Genuine Tantric.

Advantages of Holistic Massages

There are many advantages of holistic massages, in general, and the benefits of holistic therapies, in particular, as the techniques and maneuvers are chosen according to the location of energy blocks and personalized according to the needs and moment of each person's life.

In any case, any holistic massage relaxes and creates an overall feeling of well-being.

  • Energy boost;
  • Energy and blood balance;
  • Improved functioning of internal organs;
  • Stimulation of blood circulation;
  • Increased hemoglobin level;
  • Elimination of various types of pain;
  • Treatment of soft tissue injuries;
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety;
  • Relaxation and toning of muscles;
  • Release of tensions;
  • Improved ability to concentrate;
  • Sleep reconciliation;
  • Increased self-esteem;
  • Feeling of happiness;
  • Physical and emotional well-being.


Holistic Massages in Lisbon

Now that you know the benefits of holistic therapies and have taken note of the different types of massage that can give you a fuller view of yourself as a whole, it's time to look for holistic massages in Genuine Tantric, isn't it? Well we have good news!

There are many massage centers in Lisbon dedicated to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of patients, such as Genuine Tantric, with facilities in Saldanha and Chiado. Contact us!