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Reflexology is an ancient therapeutic technique that has been gaining more and more followers around the world. 

Based on the idea that our feet, hands, back, face or even ears can function as a map for our body, reflexology presents itself as a natural and effective way to relieve stress, contribute to our health, and improve overall well-being.

In practice, reflexology suggests that in each area of the body there are specific points that correspond to an organ or another particular area – by applying pressure on these points, we can stimulate energy and circulation in these corresponding areas, promoting balance and relieving stress or anxiety.

Therefore, reflexology can be a beneficial therapy for all types of people, from an athlete in recovery to the most stressful day-to-day business world.

Even if you are just someone looking for a relaxation session, reflexology has something to offer you. So, don't hesitate anymore.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a massage technique or therapy that uses pressure application on certain points of the body to contribute to its overall well-being. 

The main objective of the technique is to restore an energetic balance of the body, contributing to the treatment of different health problems such as anxiety, stress, or insomnia. 

What is the Origin of Reflexology?

Reflexology has ancient origins, being an ancient therapeutic practice with roots in various cultures throughout history, dating back to Egyptian and Chinese civilizations.

However, it is believed that the technique originated in Ancient Egypt, more than 4,000 years ago, where hieroglyphs were found that already depicted the practice of foot massages.

At the same time, it is also possible to assert that the origins of reflexology are in China or India. In China, for example, the practice has been documented over hundreds of years. In India, reflexology – or foot massages – were incorporated into an ancient medical manual – the Ayurveda.


Types of Body Reflexology

Reflexology is an incredibly versatile therapeutic technique that can be applied to various body parts: the different types of reflexologies reflect precisely this characteristic.

From foot to head, each area of the body can offer a unique approach and specific benefits, allowing reflexology to be customized according to the individual needs of each person.

Podal Reflexology

Podal reflexology is the most common practice of reflexology, focusing exclusively on the feet, namely the sole. 
It is an effective way to relieve stress and tension, improve blood circulation, and promote the natural balance of the body.

Reflexology in the Hands

In the hands, the therapeutic technique applied is very similar to that done for the feet, sharing the same type of objectives. However, this typology tends to be more effective for people who use their hands a lot, such as musicians or people who write a lot on the computer, for example.

Facial Reflexology

Facial Reflexology – applied to the face – involves stimulating specific points on the face, to help alleviate some symptoms and promote relaxation.

Reflexology in the Ears

The versatility of this therapy perhaps becomes unavoidable when it is applied to the ears. Despite their small size, especially when compared to the hands or feet, we find in the ears some acupressure points that, when pressed or stimulated, also help to relieve stress.

Reflexology in the Back

Back reflexology is a technique that focuses on reflex points along the spine. The manipulation of these points can help to relieve back pain and improve posture, as well as contribute to the relief of stress and anxiety.

How Does Reflexology Work?

In practice, reflexology works through the pressure applied to specific points of the body. At the base of this therapeutic technique is the idea that, for each point, there is an area of the body or a corresponding organ – that is, the pressure applied on one side "reflects" on the other, helping the person to feel more relieved and to improve their level of well-being.


Special Care and Contraindications of Reflexology

Although reflexology is generally considered safe, there are some contraindications. 

For example, people with specific health conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis or gout, should avoid this therapy. Similarly, it should be avoided when:

  • The patient has a fever;
  • The patient has contagious skin diseases;
  • First trimester of a pregnancy in patients with a history of spontaneous abortions;
  • The patient has recently undergone surgery – although beneficial, especially in the treatment and relief of pain, a softer pressure should be applied;
  • There are cuts, scars, bruises, or injuries: these areas should be avoided by the therapist;
  • The patient has some areas with calluses – if they are still sensitive, a lower pressure should be applied;
  • The patient is diabetic – a lower pressure should be used in general, as they have thinner and more sensitive skin and, especially, in the pancreas area;
  • The patient has a history of heart problems, less pressure should be used in the heart area;
  • Patients have a terminal illness – a more moderate pressure should be used.


Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology is used to promote relaxation, improve blood circulation, reduce pain, stimulate organ function, and balance the body. Among the various purposes of this therapeutic technique, we find:

  1. Promotion of Relaxation
    By applying pressure to specific points, it can help reduce stress and tension, promoting a state of calm and tranquility.
  2. Improvement of Blood Circulation
    The therapy can help improve blood circulation in the body, contributing to the health of organs and tissues and improving the immune system.
  3. Pain Relief
    Many people use this therapy to help relieve pain, including headaches, muscle and joint pains, or chronic pains.
  4. Energy Balance
    Based on the idea that our body has a flow of energy that can be balanced through pressure on specific points, reflexology can help promote energy balance and, therefore, overall well-being.
  5. Complement to Mental Health
    Reflexology can also be used as a complement to mental health, as it helps to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  6. Body Detoxification
    With pressure on the right points, this therapeutic technique can help stimulate the lymphatic system and promote body detoxification, helping it to eliminate toxins and other waste.
  7. Support to Digestion
    Similarly, it can help improve digestive function, relieving problems such as indigestion, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Even so, it is always important to underline the importance of conventional medical follow-up, as reflexology should always be understood as a complementary therapy.

Reflexology – Where to Do?

At Genuine Tantric you can count on a series of experienced masseuses in reflexology, ready to help you relieve accumulated stress and feel in the body all the benefits of this therapeutic technique.

Visit us at one of our Massage Centers in Lisbon, Porto, Leiria or Algarve, or contact us directly!