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Sport Massages

For you, who are a professional athlete, and for you, who are a regular exerciser, there is a complementary activity to try before and after training. It's called sports massage, and it's indicated to prevent muscle pain, to promote recovery, and to improve your performance!

All athletes, professional and amateur, need basic care to improve performance. A proper training plan is one of them, since it is essential to increase endurance, speed, and strength, to exclude overtraining, and to include stretching. But the plan must be accompanied by another care, a specific massage, essential to relieve muscle pain, improve fatigue, increase flexibility and blood circulation, reduce stress, prevent injuries, and, of course, ensure better performance by the athlete.


What is sports massage?

It is a therapeutic modality to treat muscular tension in athletes, which encourages muscles to warm up before training and recover after training, also helping to prevent injuries due to exhaustion. 

Thus, this type of massage assists athletes in each of the training phases, according to their individual needs, but in any case, always making the muscle tissues stronger and more resistant. 

What is massage for athletes for?

Essentially, it serves to promote muscle recovery after a workout, to relieve muscle tension, and to aid in the process of diminishing toxins (lactic acid) in the muscles. In other words, it is through massage for athletes that oxygen levels in the blood naturally return to the muscles and that muscle tissues are repaired. 

However, the purpose of massage for athletes is always related to the condition and intention of each patient, being necessary that the sports masseur adapts the therapy to each specific case and type of physical activity developed. In addition, this massage can be applied in different situations, namely pre-workout (to warm up and tone the muscles) post-workout (for detoxification and muscle regeneration) and as a treatment technique (for injury recovery).


What is the difference between relaxing and sports massage?

Although the relaxing massage relieves muscle tension and decompresses, it does not apply strong and fast movements as the massage for athletes and therefore, it is not the most suitable massage for those who practice physical activity on a regular basis and need to promote better blood circulation and eliminate lactic acid, which is responsible for the "pain" the next day.


How did sports massages come about?

Although there are earlier references to massages that were intended to prepare men for tests of strength, it was in the Olympic Games of ancient Greece, 700 years B.C., that sports massages began to be used to put pressure on athletes' muscles, relieve pain, and promote their quick recovery.

In addition to the Greek civilization, the Hindu, Persian, and Egyptian civilizations also used sports massages for the recovery and rehabilitation of the athletes of the time. 

Today, sports massage is widely known throughout the world and recognized as an important therapeutic modality by athletes of various sports.

Sports massage techniques

Massage for sportsmen uses manipulation techniques of the musculoskeletal structures, focusing more on the areas of the body fundamental to sports activity: compression, traction, stretching, pressure and friction movements (with different speeds and intensities) that exert mechanical effects on tissues, making them stronger and more resistant.

Basically, massage for athletes involves a set of techniques indicated for pain prevention and relief, since it improves blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins in the muscles.


Benefits of sports massage

There are many mechanical, physiological, and psychological benefits of massage for athletes, before and after training:

  • Prepares the muscles for training.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Eliminates toxins.
  • Prevents injuries to muscles and tendons.
  • Reduces muscle spasms, edemas and inflammatory processes.
  • Tonifies muscle tissue.
  • Stimulates adrenaline production.
  • Relieves post-workout pain.
  • Has a relaxing effect.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • Decreases anxiety.


Contraindications to sports massage 

As with any other type of therapy, there are contraindications to massage for athletes. First of all, it should not be performed when the athlete has a full stomach or bladder, has acute inflammation in muscles and/or joints, fever, sore or skin disease. 

Sports massages are also inadvisable for athletes with thrombophlebitis, hemophilia, embolism, circulatory disease, bone fracture, severe osteoporosis, hypertension, and in the process of recovery from cancer disease, among other unfavorable conditions.

When in doubt, consult your doctor before scheduling a sports massage in Lisbon or sports massage in Porto at one of Genuine Tantric's centers.


Price of sports massage

You do not need to search the Internet for "sports massage price" because the amount depends a lot on the professional valuation of the sports masseur and the specificity and duration of the treatment. Still, it is estimated that the prices of sports massages in Lisbon and Porto are between 30€ and 80€.


Why should you get a sports massage in Lisbon?

Have you ever felt pain after a workout? Well know that the massage for sportsmen is the most suitable technique to prepare you for training and to relieve pain because it improves blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins. This is the reason why you should have regular sports massages in Lisbon... or anywhere else in the world!